Extra long sleeping bags are the perfect addition for a tall person’s outdoor camping gear. Many brands of sleeping bags can be purchased in a range of lengths. To ensure a good night’s rest and an enjoyable camping experience, be sure to look for a sleeping bag that is long enough to give you the space to move freely while you sleep.
Here is a short-list of the best selling extra long sleeping bags on Amazon.
In very cold camping climates, some people prefer to put the next day’s clothing in their sleeping bag with them so they do not have to put on cold clothes. In this case, an extra long sleeping bag may be a great option to your camping gear. When you have determined which materials and style of sleeping bag you desire, then the next step is to find one that comes in the correct length for you. Here are three options of sleeping bags that come in extra long sizes.
Above Image: Mountain Trails Sycamore 30 degrees Extra Long Sleeping Bag
Best Selling Extra Long Sleeping Bags
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Top 3 Extra Long Sleeping Bag Reviews
High Peak Cascade Mummy Sleeping Bag Review
The High Peak Cascade Mummy Sleeping Bag is a great extra long option. It is 34 inches wide and a full 86 inches long. It is perfect for people who are taller. This sleeping bag will keep you warm down to zero degrees Fahrenheit.
A special feature of the High Peak Cascade Mummy Bag is that it can be purchased for right or left handed people. This mummy bag wraps completely around the back and top of the head with an opening for the face to help keep in your body’s warmth.
Coleman Big Basin Sleeping Bag Review
The Coleman Big Basin Sleeping Bag is wide and comes in extra long. The “scoop” on this bag is designed with a ComfortCufff that leaves a comfortable amount of bag for your head to rest on while being cut low enough in front for efficient breathing room.
This bag is made with 100% polyester fabric and four pounds of ThermoTech fill that is designed to keep you warm down to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The lining of this bag is made with tricot for a soft, comfortable feel. A FiberLock system assists in keeping the insulation from moving around.
A ThermoLock zipper construction keeps warm air in and cold air out. The zipper is also a ZipPlow that is designed to prevent the fabric from snagging on the zipper teeth and a ZipperGlide that prevents the corner fabric from stopping the zipper.
This bag features a QuickCord that allows you to store your sleeping conveniently. This bag is specifically designed for campers who are up to six feet four inches tall. The Coleman Big Basin Sleeping Bag is machine washable and comes with a five-year warranty.
Kelty Cosmic 40 Degree Down Sleeping Bag Review
The Kelty Cosmic 40 Degree Down Sleeping Bag is designed for camping in warmer climates and will keep you comfortable down to a temperature of about 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This sleeping bag is a mummy shaped bag that is filled with 600-fill DriDown.
Side seams made at ground level help to keep in your body heat and the zipper with draft tubing prevents cold drafts from entering the bag. The anti-snag of this zipper provides for smooth entry and exit. The Kelty Cosmic 40 Degree Down Sleeping Bag is also offered in an extra-long size.
The three fourth length of the side zipper adds to the lightweight design of this bag (two pounds one ounce), making it the perfect bag for backpacking into the most scenic and serene environments.